Manuscript On The Alchemist Part 1 Hello my beautiful friends i'm so glad sharing you guys my manuscript again.Today i'm gonna share you my manuscript on " The Alchemist " this book few me places I've never been so Alchemist,An amazing piece of art of Paolo Coelho an incredible writer i would say one of my favorite author who wrote several books including veronica decides to die and confessions of a pilgrim every book of his work has a unique sensational play, so this book is the best selling book all around the world and i found really interesting to share with you guys so let's see what I've got for you guys. Alchemist told us that whatever and however tough your journey is you have to keep going and one day you will get your destination if you have dreams put on efforts and try putting your words into implements because without implements your word...
I looked for myself but my self was gone.The boundaries of my being had disappeared in the sea.waves broked.Awareness arose again.and a voice returned to myself. it always happens like this.sea turns on itself and foams and from every foaming bit another body, another being takes form and when the sea sends word,each foaming body melts back to ocean-brethe.
Cleansing Of My Soul! Hello my beautiful friends and today we are gonna discuss about a rare topic that is "cleansing of my soul" and whatever i'm gonna talk about today will be related to our conscience so be sure that whatever you read no matter worldly or directly share it with someone else whatever i write is a gift for all humanity and passing it on is sharing love so do share it by your words or by sharing this before further discussion let's jump into the topic. ILLUSTRATION TO HADITH: Hadith: "Cleanliness is half of the faith" It is said Cleanliness is half of the faith but have we ever thought that what does it mean? why is that so why we always wash ourselves externally but not internally we not rinsing off our sins as one of rules of ...